Community Members
GDGC MSIT is a community were you can find all type of talents from developers, designers to writers.
Community Members
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GDGC are campus-based groups specifically designed to support aspiring developers on university campuses to learn and build successfully with Google technologies.
GDGC MSIT is a community were you can find all type of talents from developers, designers to writers.
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GDGC stands for Google Developer Group on Campus. It is a university based community group for students who are interested in Google developer technologies. GDGCs are powered by Google Developers and are intended to help students learn and grow as developers
GDGC help solve the problems faced by people in everyday lives through the aid of technology, we make innovative software solutions to the issues and also help in upskilling the developer community in colleges through sessions and workshops.
GDGC members are usually 2nd year & 3rd year students of the college. The 2nd years comprise the junior team and 3rd-year members comprise the core team of GDGC.
As a GDGC member, you join a prestigious global developer community, work on projects that address real-world issues, and continuously enhance your skills with the support of a motivated peer group.